The Zinna 'Pop Art' plant holds a Fleuroselect Novelty award. The large golden flowers are all individually marked with unique red specks that ensure every bloom is fantastic and colourful, Zinnia ‘Pop Art’ has a long flowering period that creates a bold and eye catching display. These magnificent zinnia flowers are loved by bees and other insects, and make a very lovely cut flower as well.
Pot zinnia plants and grow them on in frost-free conditions. When the risk of frost has passed, gradually move zinnia plants outdoors to harden them to outside conditions over a period of 7 to 10 days and then they can be transplanted into their final positions in containers, borders and baskets.
Plant zinnias in fertile, well drained soil in full sun for best results. When growing zinnias pinch out the growing tip of each stem to encourage the plant to become more bushy which will produce more flowers later on.
These plants can be grown as seeds but are widely purchased as seedlings from many plant suppliers.
The Zinna 'Pop Art' are native to South West USA, South America and Mexico.

Key information:
Watering: Water when dry, keep moist
Sun/Shade: Full sun/partial shade
Origin: South West USA, South America and Mexico
Propagation: Grow from seed or from seedlings from garden nursery.
Temperature: 40F-80F for best results.