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Hi and welcome to Encycloplants where we love everything green fingered from Garden plants through to the most exotic and strange Cacti. We have been growing all types of plants for many years and wish to share our knowledge on plants and what we have come across and discovered works well.


Ever needed to try and identify a plant, need tips on their growing conditions or simply looking to find out the basic tips for care of all types of plants? then you've come to the right place. Here at Encycloplants we wish to provide everybody with an interest in gardening and plants with all the information they need to be successful in growing all varieties of plants. 


Take a look at our succulents, Cacti, House plants and Garden plants for information on a huge range of plants. and visit Tips for general tips on plant care.


If there is a question you would like us to help you with just visit the contact us page and we will be more than willing to help.

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