Here on the Plant Tips page you will find all the general tips you need to successfully look after your house plants from Cacti, Succulents to all types of house plants and garden plants you can think of. If there is something you need to know but cant see it here then please dont hesitate to ask me a question on my contact us page.
1) With all house plants, position within the house is key to the plants survival. Keep away from draught or heat source and air conditioning, best placed in a constant temperature suited to the particular plant you are caring for.
2) Light conditions are vital to a plants survival,find out what light requirements the plant in question needs, too much sun, too little sun, shade and part shade, part sun all needs to be taken into account for the plant to thrive and look it's best.
3) Temperature requirements have to be adheared to for any plants as too cold and it won't survive for example cacti and succulents need to be kept warm in a sunny location and away from cold window sills in winter, and if kept too hot then the plant may also suffer for example many house plants cannot tolerate full sun positions being baked behind glass all day.
4) If plants have been kept outside during summer months, check the plant for pests or fungus to reduce plant damage and spread of any unwanted problems.
5) Water is probably the most common reason why house plants fail and believe it or not its mostly due to over watering. check the soil conditions before watering, if its damp just under the serfice then watering is not required, if its dry an inch or so down then watering will be required, check the conditions needed for the type of plant, some need to be moist all the time and others not. Another way to check if watering is required is simply by picking up the pot, if it feels light then watering is most probably needed.
6) Plant feed may be required with some types of plants as they may need more nutriants than they can recieve from the soil they are potted in, check to see if the plant requires feed and the growing time of year on the plants care instructions.
7) If there is a yellow to white crust on the soil surface and the leaf tips are turning brown then that is a sign of soluble salt build up which will accumilate over time, this would be the time to re-pot the plant into fresh soil. a way to prevent build up is by watering from the base of the plant and not leaving the drip tray with water in as this will dissolve and leave a salty deposite from the naturally occuring salts in water.
8) Plant house plants in groups to help increase the humidity around them as water evaporates, watch for fungle attacks in the center of the group of plants as this will stay moist especially during winter when ventilation may be limited. Another way to increase humidity around you house plants is by placing your plants on a pebble tray with water in.
9) Having plants in your home makes for a much healthier living invironment improving air quality and humidity within you home.
10) There are three major nutrients of plant food- Nitrogen - For leaf growth and helping yellowing plants return to green
Phosphates - For stronger root growth and Potash - For healthier, bigger and brighter flowers.