The Agave Toumeyana is a striking succulent plant that has tiny hair like strands growing off of them and is green/grey with white markings on making this a very eye catching plant, can be grown out doors or indoors and can grow to 12-18inches in height. The Agave Toumeyana has sharep edges so handle with care. This plant is a reletivly quick growing plant during the spring and summer months.
This succulent is drought tolerant and enjoys full sun or can be in part shade, Agave Toumeyana is a relativly hardy plant but would suggest not keeping it exposed to extream cold and frost for a long period of time, should be fine in short spells of light frost if cannot be protected.
Water plant only when dry to minimize possible rot, in the summer this will probably 1-2 times per week and during winter if cold only water once a month or when dry.
Bloom for this plant is currently unknown.
Propagation of this plant would be through off-sets produced by mature plants and by seed are the most successfull ways.

Key information:
Watering: Water when dry do not keep wet
Sun/Shade: Full sun to partial shade
Origin: Arizona USA
Propagation: Off shoots from mature plants
Temperature: Hardy to 10F for short periods, 50F-80F for best results