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MONEY PLANTS (Crassula ovata)


The money or Jade plant as its also known is a common succulent houseplant with big or small fleshy leaves depending which type of money plant you get.

Place the plant in a sunny window sill location, if leaves turn a pale pink and green colour then that is a sign of good health. The plant should not be exposed to frosts or cold weather.


Watering this plant the should be watered when dry down to 2.5cm in the soil befor watering, do not over water as the money plant is susceptible to rotting. 


Propagation of this plant is by leaf cutting and placing the cutting in moist soil after the leaf has calloused over for a few days. Roots should start to apper after 3-4 weeks. 

Key information:

Watering: Water when dry do not keep wet

Sun/Shade: Full sun to partial shade

Origin: South Africa

Propagation: Leaf and stem cuttings

Temperature: 60F-75F for best results

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