Lithops bromfieldii, also called the living stone, is a succulent plant from the genus Lithops native to South Africa that looks like stones when not in bloom.
It is a tan and reddish brown and can bloom in the fall and in green, white, red or orange.
This plant grows into groups of flat 2 segment fleshy leaves which look like stones and are subject to extreamly dry and hot temperatures in their native land, making these plants fantastic house plants which require very little care.
Place these plants in a warm sunny dry location keeping them free from cold weather and draughts, and making sure it has the most amount of sunlight possible. Plant can thrive with morning sun and partial shade from afternoon sun but really requires between 6-7 hours of natural sunlight. If plant is not recieving enough light is will start to grow up and lop sided with green sides which can get sunburnt if moved back into intense sun, gradually move plant into a full sun location. Long periods of not enough light will cause the plant to die.
Water sparingly as they like dry conditions best and are prone to rotting if left wet. Sandy/gritty soil works best as aids drainage.
Key information:
Watering: Water when dry do not keep wet, long dry periods prefered
Sun/Shade: Full sun to partial shade
Origin: South Africa
Propagation: Seed, and division
Temperature: 65F-80F for best results