The Fuschia plant is a fantastic low maintainance garden plant with many varieties that will bloom every year during the summer. the plant starts growing in spring and is in full bloom by august/september time. once the plant dies of usuall with first frost, simply cut the plant stems back to ground level befor winter ready for the next springs growth to begin. this plant will just keep on popping up every year.
The Fuschia Plant itself is hardy with its rooting system surviving the harsh winter temperaturs and as long as it is kept watered during the summer months it will flourish, be viberant and colourful.
Bloom is a lovely fuschia pink, red, purple, white... they come in all colours and shapes, some are shrub like and others are more suitable to pots and hanging baskets.
Propagation of these plants i find is best to take a cutting from growth in spring about 4" in size, just below a point where two leaves have grown, take the leaves off from the bottom of the cutting leaving the base of the leaf stem on the plant, do not tear it off, and then simply place the cutting in a cup of water on a sunny windowsill and there should be roots within 3-4 weeks. once roots show plant in to a pot of compost and allow it to get established.

Key information:
Watering: Water when dry
Sun/Shade: Full sun to partial shade
Origin: South America
Propagation: Stem cuttings
Temperature: 50F-80F for best results, will survive frost