These Busy Lizzie plants are an improvement on Busy Lizzie 'Divine' with much improved resistance to downy mildew which is a common plant killer to Busy Lizzie plants here in the UK.
'Divine T&M's Choice' is a resilient mix of vibrant flower colours with attractive green/bronze foliage. Endless flowering and a strong, vigorous habit ensures that these spreading plants will quickly grow large to fill pots, beds and borders with lasting colour throughout the whole season.
These plants can be grown from seed very easily with the correct conditions, but most commonly purchased widely from garden centers.
Growing these plants are also easy once germinated. Pot up plants and grow them in a bright, frost free location.
While the plants are small, pinch the growing tips out where the stems have 2 or more sets of leaves to produce a bushy compact plant.
When risk of frost has gone, grow Busy Lizzie plants on spending some time outdoors to harden off the plants. Grow in outdoor conditions over 7 to 10 days, prior to planting in their final positions for best results.
Try not to keep these plants wet at any point of their growing cycle to reduce the chance of mould and fungus setting in, Water when dry and keep slightly moist, daily watering will be required during dry spells. Grow Busy lizzie plants in rich high nutrient soils for best results and colourful growth.
These plants are part of the Impatiens family of around 800-1000 species and are cultivated widely around much of the world but are a plant native to East Africa.
Key information:
Watering: Water when dry, keep moist
Sun/Shade: Full sun/partial shade
Origin: East Africa
Propagation: Grow from seed or from seedlings from garden nursery.
Temperature: 50F-80F for best results.