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This succulent plant is probably the most well known of its type for both its great plant features and its use for medicinal purposes.

The Aloe Vera is well known for its intense moisturiser and soothing abilities, many people treat Burns and dry skin with this plants moisture. Sun burn creams being the most widely known cream to contain Aloe Vera.

Aloe Vera make for very good low maintainance house plants and grow to be quite decorative and eye catching.


The succulent Aloe Vera grows best in full to indirect sunlight, too much sun and intense heat exposure may lead to the leaves turning a brown colour, Aloe Vera is not a very hardy plant requiring protection from frost and if left in a cold environment make sure the plant is dry and do not water through the winter months, water once a month or when dry if kept indoors. Watering during summer months about once a week or when dry.


Propagation by dividing offsets and leaf cuttings. From leaf cutting cut the leaf to around 3-4inches in length leave on a side where it wont be disturbed for around a week, the end needs to callouse over and be dry to protect the plant from fungus, pot into damp soil and keep in a bright window and only water when completely dry. Roots should then form within 3-4 weeks.




Key information:

Watering: Water when dry do not keep wet

Sun/Shade: Full sun to partial shade

Origin: Africa

Propagation: Off shoots from mature plants, from seed too

Temperature: 50F-80F for best results.

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