This succulent Aloe Variegata plant is a very good house plant, low maintenence with very eye catching colour
and shape, the plant has dark green leaves with white markings on them.
The succulent Aloe Variegata is drought tolerant thriving in hot dry conditions, best placed in a south west facing window or east facing to capture the longest periods of full to part shaded sun possible, this plant is a relatively quick growing plant.
Aloe Variegata should be kept protected from frost to keep the leaves in good shape, the plant can tolerate temperatures of sub zero for short periods of time and must not be watered during the winter if in cold conditions, if kept inside then water once a month. During spring/summer months water once every week or two or when dry do not over water or roots will become vulnerable to rotting. The bloom on this plant is a stem that grows up to a meter in hight with red/orange/pink flowers on, this plant can grow up to around 25-30cm in height.
Propagation of this plant is by offsets produced by mature plants and by seeds collected after pollinated bloom pods have dried.

Key information:
Watering: Water when dry do not keep wet
Sun/Shade: Full sun to partial shade
Origin: South Africa
Propagation: Off shoots from mature plants, from seed too
Temperature: 50F-80F for best results.